I came to Philadelphia on the wings of my righteous indignation at having been forced to be born and grow up in small-town Virginia. Kara learned how to handle you and stayed on. Megan and Laura came later, and then left. I know it’s shitty in parts and messed up a lot, but I truly think that overall it still tries to be good. I grew up in Mayfair and went to Catholic grade school and my family participated in the white flight to the suburbs, where my parents still live. Northeast Philly actually attempted to secede in the 80s, due to racial and income differences. It’s a predominately white, working class/middle class area. When we’ve talked about you, it’s hard not to see you as that two-faced family member familiar but distant, loved but not always loving, able to light up a room but man, when the lows hit, they’re low. They see you differently than the rest of us do you’re part of them.
Kaitlyn and Lynne grew up with you and learned how to handle your whims early on. We love you even when we don’t love you and always try to see the good in you. For every reason we adore you, there are four more things we despise. Oh Philadelphia, you strange, wonderful city. The 200 Best Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Movies Of All Time.LGBTQ Television Guide: What To Watch Now.